Captain's Picks Stardate 02.12.20
DC Pick of the Week: Batman Pennyworth R.I.P. #1 $4.99 What Previews said: (W) James TynionIV, Peter J. Tomasi (A) Eddy Barrows & Various...

Captain's Picks Stardate 02.05.20
Marvel Pick of the Week: Darth Vader #1 $4.99 What Previews said: (W) Greg Pak (A) Raffaele Ienco (CA) In-Hyuk Lee "JOIN ME, AND...

Captain's Picks 1.10.2018
Marvel Pick of the Week: Avengers #675 $3.99 What Previews said: (W) Mark Waid & Various (A) Pepe Larraz (CA) Mark Brooks NO SURRENDER...

New Series Discovery 12.13.2017
So welcome one and all to the first NEW SERIES DISCOVERY where I'll call out all the new titles which would otherwise be lost in the...

New Series Discovery 12.06.2017
So welcome one and all to the first NEW SERIES DISCOVERY where I'll call out all the new titles which would otherwise be lost in the...