Captain's Picks 01.29.20

Marvel Pick of the Week:

Ravencroft #1 (of 5)
What Previews said:
(W) Frank Tieri (A) Angel Unzueta (CA) Kyle Hotz RAVENCROFT REOPENED! After the hellish horrors of ABSOLUTE CARNAGE, the Ravencroft Institute has received a much-needed facelift and is open for business with a new staff, including JOHN JAMESON, looking to atone for the part he played in ABSOLUTE CARNAGE. But will Ravencroft return the mentally unstable villains of the Marvel Universe to upstanding citizens and give John the redemption he's looking for, or will they fall prey to the hospital's seemingly sinister nature? Rated T+
Marvel Pick of the Week:

Amazing Spider-Man: Daily Bugle #1 (of 5)
What Previews said:
(W) Mat Johnson (A) Mack Chater (CA) Mark Bagley SPINNING OUT OF AMAZING SPIDER-MAN! The journalist must speak truth to power-whether or not it's wielded responsibly. Helmed by Peter Parker's mentor, Robbie Robertson, the Daily Bugle staff is at last chasing stories that matter. And in a city under Mayor Wilson Fisk, keeping the public informed is as essential as it is dangerous. Weaving between events in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and DAREDEVIL, Mat Johnson (Hellblazer Special: Papa Midnite, Incognegro, Loving Day) and Mack Chater (BLACK PANTHER AND THE CREW, Briggs Land) are following a lead into Kingpin and Spider-Man's past that will change the way you look at the webslinger now, and as his story continues. Rated T
Other Pick of the Week:

Protector #1 (MR)
What Previews said:
(W) Simon Roy, Daniel M. Bensen (A) Artyom Trakhanov (CA) James Stokoe SERIES PREMIERE! From SIMON ROY (Prophet), Sideways Award-winning author DANIEL M. BENSEN (Junction), ARTYOM TRAKHANOV (UNDERTOW), JASON WORDIE (GOD COUNTRY), and HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOU (Red Sonja) comes a sci-fi adventure equal parts Conan the Barbarian, Mad Max, and The Expanse. Of all the tribes that dwell in the hot ruins of far-future North America, the Hudsoni reign supreme, but even they fear and obey the godlike Devas. When the Devas warn of an old-world demon in the conquered city of Shikka-Go, Hudsoni war chief First Knife decides to deal with the threat personally.